Human trafficking only happens in other countries. This may be surprising, but human trafficking happens in the U.S. It may be more prominent in other countries, but it’s a huge problem no matter where it happens.
Sex trafficking is the only form of human trafficking. Unfortunately, there are many other forms of human trafficking. However, of the $150 billion in annual profit, $99 billion is generated from sex trafficking on a global scale.
Prostitution is always voluntary. Wrong. People are forced or tricked into prostitution all around the world.
Victims of human trafficking will seek help immediately. Victims deal with self-blame, depression, and lack of trust as a result of human trafficking. It may take them a long time to have the courage to report their situation.
Only women are trafficked. Men, boys, and girls are also sold into both sex and labor trafficking.
Human trafficking is the same thing as human smuggling. Human smuggling involves some type of illegal border-crossing while human trafficking can take place anywhere.
Victims of trafficking are always kept locked up. People being trafficked are not always held hostage. Innocent victims often appear to be living free, making trafficking difficult to spot.
People being trafficked always come from situations of poverty. Human trafficking can happen to anyone. Just because a person has money or lives in a certain demographic does not mean they are safe from being forced or tricked into trafficking.
Trafficking only occurs in secret illegal markets. Trafficking happens in legitimate business settings too.
All traffickers are the same as what they look like in the movies. Not all traffickers are powerful gangsters. Ringleaders of trafficking schemes are often proven to be average people, restaurant owners, politicians, businessmen, police officers, fire fighters, school teachers, coaches, older teenagers, etc.
Everyone trafficked is kidnapped or tricked. Sadly, some people are so desperate for money or food that they must resort to prostitution or labor trafficking. They sell themselves to this business because they have no other viable choices. Once sold they become trapped without choices due to manipulation, coercion, threats, violence, and substance abuse.
There's nothing average people who care can do to combat this crisis. Wrong! Engage with our social media pages to learn more about what you can do and what is already being done. Attend local meetings in the community where you live. Engage with legislative efforts. Organize awareness presentations in your community. Give your time and talent to trusted organizations. Financial donations are always needed.